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Soheil Sabriseilab. Investigating the Effect of Religion's Dimensions on Egoistic Suicide Ideation. Omega. 2024-11-29. PMID:39612316. |
using data from the 2018 general social survey (gss) the present study proposes running a logistic regression analysis to see if suicide attitudes are significantly influenced by religiosity, spirituality, afterlife beliefs, and religious affiliation. |
2024-11-29 |
2024-12-02 |
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Bethany Waterhouse-Bradley, Dagmar Corry, Gerard Leave. A qualitative exploration of the impact of educational social fields on mental health help-seeking in post-primary schools in Northern Ireland. Sociology of health & illness. 2024-07-29. PMID:39074052. |
however, the attitudes towards help seeking differ between grammar schools (gss) and secondary modern schools with regards to (a) the act of help-seeking; (b) service knowledge and medical professionalism; and (c) trust and disclosure. |
2024-07-29 |
2024-08-02 |
human |
Soheil Sabriseilab. Sanctity of Life or God's Command? Investigating Religious Determinants of Attitudes Toward Three Cases of Unnatural Death: Capital Punishment, Abortion, and Euthanasia. Omega. 2023-11-03. PMID:37922504. |
using data from the 2018 wave of the general social survey (gss), the present research found that religion's various dimensions have distinct effects on attitudes toward the death penalty, abortion, and euthanasia. |
2023-11-03 |
2023-11-08 |
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Shane Shar. Belief in Life After Death and Attitudes Toward Voluntary Euthanasia. Omega. vol 79. issue 1. 2019-07-30. PMID:28633554. |
i use data from the general social survey (gss; n = 19,967) to evaluate the association between the belief in life after death and attitudes toward voluntary euthanasia. |
2019-07-30 |
2023-08-13 |
Not clear |
Sharon Vincent, Michael Joplin. The health and well-being of children and young people who are looked after: Findings from a face-to-face survey in Glasgow. Health & social care in the community. vol 26. issue 2. 2019-02-12. PMID:28891219. |
a structured questionnaire used in the 2010 glasgow schools survey (gss) was adapted and administered in face-to-face interviews with 130 young people aged 11-18 in 2014-2015 to investigate various aspects of health and well-being including physical activity, diet and sleep, smoking, alcohol and drugs, health feelings and worries, behaviours, attitudes and expectations. |
2019-02-12 |
2023-08-13 |
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John P Hoffmann, Christopher G Ellison, John P Bartkowsk. Conservative Protestantism and attitudes toward corporal punishment, 1986-2014. Social science research. vol 63. 2018-07-02. PMID:28202158. |
this study aggregates repeated cross-sectional data from the general social surveys (gss) to consider three models that address whether attitudes toward spanking among conservative protestants shifted relative to those of other americans from 1986 to 2014. |
2018-07-02 |
2023-08-13 |
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Joseph Price, Rich Patterson, Mark Regnerus, Jacob Walle. How Much More XXX is Generation X Consuming? Evidence of Changing Attitudes and Behaviors Related to Pornography Since 1973. Journal of sex research. vol 53. issue 1. 2017-01-17. PMID:26169262. |
we use data from the general social survey (gss) over a 40-year period (1973-2012) to evaluate changes in attitudes about pornography and pornography consumption among american young adults. |
2017-01-17 |
2023-08-13 |
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Rui Zhou, Jie Zhan. Effects of community stress and problems on residents' psychopathology. Psychiatry research. vol 215. issue 2. 2014-12-03. PMID:24370336. |
the sychological and mental health of the individuals was assessed by (1) suicidal thoughts, plans and attempts (national comorbidity survey replication or ncs-r), (2) pro-suicide attitudes (general social survey or gss), (3) depression (center for epidemiological studies depression scale or ces-d) and (4) suicide ideation (scale for suicide ideation or ssi). |
2014-12-03 |
2023-08-12 |
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Jie Zhang, Cun-Xian Ji. Attitudes toward suicide: the effect of suicide death in the family. Omega. vol 60. issue 4. 2010-05-14. PMID:20397616. |
however, some factors were found to be related to the pro-suicide attitudes measured by the four questions included in the gss. |
2010-05-14 |
2023-08-12 |
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Jie Zhang, Cun-Xian Ji. Attitudes toward suicide: the effect of suicide death in the family. Omega. vol 60. issue 4. 2010-05-14. PMID:20397616. |
the results showed that there were no significant differences in attitudes toward suicide, measured by the general social survey's (gss) four questions, between informants of suicides and informants of living controls, between family members of suicides and family members of living controls, or between family members of suicides and non-family members of suicides. |
2010-05-14 |
2023-08-12 |
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Peter A Andersen, David B Buller, Barbara J Walkosz, Julie Maloy, Michael D Scott, Gary R Cutter, Mark B Digna. Testing a theory-based health communication program: a replication of Go Sun Smart in outdoor winter recreation. Journal of health communication. vol 14. issue 4. 2009-08-18. PMID:19466647. |
there was no evidence that gss decreased sunburning or attitudes and self-efficacy beliefs regarding sun safety. |
2009-08-18 |
2023-08-12 |
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Peter A Andersen, David B Buller, Barbara J Walkosz, Julie Maloy, Michael D Scott, Gary R Cutter, Mark B Digna. Testing a theory-based health communication program: a replication of Go Sun Smart in outdoor winter recreation. Journal of health communication. vol 14. issue 4. 2009-08-18. PMID:19466647. |
conversely, gss had no effect on sunburning attitudes or self-efficacy beliefs. |
2009-08-18 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
M W Gillespie, E M Ten Vergert, J Kingm. Secular trends in abortion attitudes: 1975-1980-1985. The Journal of psychology. vol 122. issue 4. 1988-11-03. PMID:3262742. |
the major theme of the gss is that an adequate description of changes in abortion attitudes is predicted on resolving the question of whether the six abortion items used in the surveys measure one or two dimensions. |
1988-11-03 |
2023-08-11 |
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M W Gillespie, E M Ten Vergert, J Kingm. Secular trends in abortion attitudes: 1975-1980-1985. The Journal of psychology. vol 122. issue 4. 1988-11-03. PMID:3262742. |
in this study, we compared the attitudes toward abortion of respondents from the national opinion research center's (norc) general social survey (gss) for the years 1975, 1980, and 1985. |
1988-11-03 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |