All Relations between approach behavior and alpha

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Olga Kamińska, Mikołaj Magnuski, Mariszka Gogolewska, Cindy Harmon-Jones, Aneta Brzezicka, Eddie Harmon-Jone. The effect of high- and low-approach motivated sadness on frontal alpha asymmetry and other metrics. International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. 2024-10-19. PMID:39426410. a significant interaction was observed when comparing low and high approach motivation sadness across the presented stories, as measured by the frontal alpha asymmetry index. 2024-10-19 2024-10-22 human
Olga Kamińska, Mikołaj Magnuski, Mariszka Gogolewska, Cindy Harmon-Jones, Aneta Brzezicka, Eddie Harmon-Jone. The effect of high- and low-approach motivated sadness on frontal alpha asymmetry and other metrics. International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. 2024-10-19. PMID:39426410. we predicted that low approach motivation sadness and high approach sadness would evoke different patterns of frontal alpha activity. 2024-10-19 2024-10-22 human
Olga Kamińska, Mikołaj Magnuski, Mariszka Gogolewska, Cindy Harmon-Jones, Aneta Brzezicka, Eddie Harmon-Jone. The effect of high- and low-approach motivated sadness on frontal alpha asymmetry and other metrics. International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. 2024-10-19. PMID:39426410. low approach motivation sadness was associated with reduced alpha power over frontal areas, while high approach motivation sadness was associated with increased alpha power in the same region, both in comparison to neutral condition. 2024-10-19 2024-10-22 human
Zaira Romeo, Francesca Fusina, Luca Semenzato, Mario Bonato, Alessandro Angrilli, Chiara Spironell. Comparison of Slides and Video Clips as Different Methods for Inducing Emotions: An Electroencephalographic Alpha Modulation Study. Frontiers in human neuroscience. vol 16. 2022-06-23. PMID:35734350. this result matched the parallel analysis of the overlapped mu rhythm (corresponding to the upper alpha band) and can be interpreted as mu/alpha eeg suppression elicited by greater motor action tendency to erotic (approach motivation) compared to fear (withdrawal motivation) stimuli. 2022-06-23 2023-08-14 human
Meysam Beik, Hamidreza Taheri, Alireza Saberi Kakhki, Majid Ghoshuni, Davoud Fazel. Contextual Interference Effects on Approach Motivation When Learning Timing Tasks: A Frontal Electroencephalography (EEG) Alpha Asymmetry Study in Older Adults. Perceptual and motor skills. 2022-05-05. PMID:35511777. contextual interference effects on approach motivation when learning timing tasks: a frontal electroencephalography (eeg) alpha asymmetry study in older adults. 2022-05-05 2023-08-13 human
Enda Tan, J Kiley Hamli. Infants' neural responses to helping and hindering scenarios. Developmental cognitive neuroscience. vol 54. 2022-03-11. PMID:35276494. we found that 6- (but not 12-) month-olds showed higher relative right frontal alpha power (indexing approach motivation) when viewing helping versus hindering scenarios. 2022-03-11 2023-08-13 Not clear
A Hunter Threadgill, Ricardo A Wilhelm, Battogtokh Zagdsuren, Hayley V MacDonald, Mark T Richardson, Philip A Gabl. Frontal asymmetry: A novel biomarker for physical activity and sedentary behavior. Psychophysiology. vol 57. issue 10. 2021-10-08. PMID:32662902. research suggests left frontal alpha asymmetry is a neural marker of approach motivation. 2021-10-08 2023-08-13 Not clear
Justin Riddle, Morgan L Alexander, Crystal Edler Schiller, David R Rubinow, Flavio Frohlic. Reduction in Left Frontal Alpha Oscillations by Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation in Major Depressive Disorder Is Context Dependent in a Randomized Clinical Trial. Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging. 2021-09-28. PMID:34273556. left frontal alpha oscillations are associated with decreased approach motivation and have been proposed as a target for noninvasive brain stimulation for the treatment of depression and anhedonia. 2021-09-28 2023-08-13 Not clear
b' Erin L Maresh, Joshua J Stim, Abraham C Van Voorhis, Seung Suk Kang, Monica Luciana, Scott R Sponheim, Sne\\xc5\\xbeana Uro\\xc5\\xa1evi\\xc4\\x8. Neurophysiological correlates of cognitive control and approach motivation abnormalities in adolescent bipolar disorders. Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience. vol 19. issue 3. 2020-07-17. PMID:31098857.' time-frequency analysis yielded frontal theta and frontal alpha asymmetry as indices of cognitive control and approach motivation, respectively. 2020-07-17 2023-08-13 Not clear
Guozhen Zhao, Yulin Zhang, Yan Ge, Yan Zheng, Xianghong Sun, Kan Zhan. Asymmetric hemisphere activation in tenderness: evidence from EEG signals. Scientific reports. vol 8. issue 1. 2019-11-25. PMID:29795119. the results showed that individuals displayed lower alpha power in the left hemisphere than the right hemisphere when they were watching a tender film, indicating that tenderness was positive and related to approach motivation. 2019-11-25 2023-08-13 human
Wiebke Käckenmester, Lara Kroencke, Jan Wacke. Frontal asymmetry predicts the incentive value of perceptual information. International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. vol 134. 2019-09-09. PMID:30300662. in the current study, a novel perceptual paradigm was developed to probe the associations between anticipation of perceptual information and frontal electroencephalographic alpha asymmetry, i.e., a marker of approach motivation. 2019-09-09 2023-08-13 human
Brent Pitchford, Karen M Arnel. Self-control and its influence on global/local processing: An investigation of the role of frontal alpha asymmetry and dispositional approach tendencies. Attention, perception & psychophysics. vol 81. issue 1. 2019-04-10. PMID:30353499. approach motivation and attentional breadth have previously been associated with frontal alpha asymmetry (i.e., lateralized cortical activity in the frontal regions) where greater left-frontal activation is associated with greater approach motivation and reduced attentional breadth. 2019-04-10 2023-08-13 Not clear
Ilona Papousek, Nilüfer Aydin, Christian Rominger, Kurt Feyaerts, Karin Schmid-Zalaudek, Helmut K Lackner, Andreas Fink, Günter Schulter, Elisabeth M Weis. DSM-5 personality trait domains and withdrawal versus approach motivational tendencies in response to the perception of other people's desperation and angry aggression. Biological psychology. vol 132. 2019-02-12. PMID:29191761. state-dependent, transient eeg alpha asymmetry responses provided indicators of the relative activation of withdrawal versus approach motivation in the respective social-emotional contexts. 2019-02-12 2023-08-13 human
Samantha J Reznik, Robin Nusslock, Narun Pornpattananangkul, Lyn Y Abramson, James A Coan, Eddie Harmon-Jone. Laboratory-induced learned helplessness attenuates approach motivation as indexed by posterior versus frontal theta activity. Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience. vol 17. issue 4. 2018-07-09. PMID:28585017. there was no relationship between perceived uncontrollability and frontal eeg alpha asymmetry, another commonly used neurophysiological index of approach motivation. 2018-07-09 2023-08-13 human
A Cantisani, T Koenig, K Stegmayer, A Federspiel, H Horn, T J Müller, R Wiest, W Strik, S Walthe. EEG marker of inhibitory brain activity correlates with resting-state cerebral blood flow in the reward system in major depression. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience. vol 266. issue 8. 2017-02-03. PMID:26590845. frontal alpha band asymmetry (faa) is a marker of altered reward processing in major depressive disorder (mdd), associated with reduced approach behavior and withdrawal. 2017-02-03 2023-08-13 human
Benjamin Schöne, Jessica Schomberg, Thomas Gruber, Markus Quiri. Event-related frontal alpha asymmetries: electrophysiological correlates of approach motivation. Experimental brain research. vol 234. issue 2. 2016-10-19. PMID:26537961. event-related frontal alpha asymmetries: electrophysiological correlates of approach motivation. 2016-10-19 2023-08-13 Not clear
Rainer Düsing, Mattie Tops, Elise Leila Radtke, Julius Kuhl, Markus Quiri. Relative frontal brain asymmetry and cortisol release after social stress: The role of action orientation. Biological psychology. vol 115. 2016-10-17. PMID:26850008. here, we investigated whether individual differences in action orientation influence the relationship between the cortisol response to social-evaluative threat and relative left frontal electroencephalographic (eeg) alpha asymmetry as a brain marker of approach motivation. 2016-10-17 2023-08-13 human
Andrea Cantisani, Thomas Koenig, Helge Horn, Thomas Müller, Werner Strik, Sebastian Walthe. Psychomotor retardation is linked to frontal alpha asymmetry in major depression. Journal of affective disorders. vol 188. 2016-06-10. PMID:26363266. one of the most replicated eeg findings in mdd is resting frontal asymmetry in the alpha band (faa), which is thought to be a correlate of withdrawal behavior and reduced approach motivation. 2016-06-10 2023-08-13 Not clear
Thomas Meyer, Tom Smeets, Timo Giesbrecht, Conny W E M Quaedflieg, Fren T Y Smulders, Ewout H Meijer, Harald L G J Merckelbac. The role of frontal EEG asymmetry in post-traumatic stress disorder. Biological psychology. vol 108. 2015-11-30. PMID:25843917. frontal alpha asymmetry, a biomarker derived from electroencephalography (eeg) recordings, has often been associated with psychological adjustment, with more left-sided frontal activity predicting approach motivation and lower levels of depression and anxiety. 2015-11-30 2023-08-13 Not clear
Philipp M Keune, Eva Wiedemann, Alexander Schneidt, Michael Schönenber. Frontal brain asymmetry in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): extending the motivational dysfunction hypothesis. Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. vol 126. issue 4. 2015-06-15. PMID:25097090. frontal brain asymmetry in the alpha band (8-13 hz) in resting-state electroencephalogram (eeg) represents a neural correlate of global motivational tendencies, and abnormal asymmetry, indicating elevated approach motivation, was observed in pediatric and adult patients. 2015-06-15 2023-08-13 Not clear