All Relations between Dyskinesias and cb2

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Maurício Dos Santos Pereira, Gabriel Henrique Dias de Abreu, Leonardo Calaça Arruda Vanderlei, Rita Raisman-Vozari, Francisco Silveira Guimarães, Hui-Chen Lu, Patrick Pierre Michel, Elaine Del Be. 4'-fluorocannabidiol associated with capsazepine restrains L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia in hemiparkinsonian mice: Contribution of anti-inflammatory and anti-glutamatergic mechanisms. Neuropharmacology. 2024-03-30. PMID:38554815. we tested the efficacy of 4'-fluorocannabidiol (4'-f-cbd), a semisynthetic cannabidiol derivative, and hu-910, a cannabinoid receptor 2 (cb2) agonist in resolving l-dopa-induced dyskinesia (lid). 2024-03-30 2024-04-02 mouse
Peggy Rentsch, Sandy Stayte, Timothy Egan, Ian Clark, Bryce Visse. Targeting the cannabinoid receptor CB2 in a mouse model of l-dopa induced dyskinesia. Neurobiology of disease. vol 134. 2021-01-13. PMID:31669673. targeting the cannabinoid receptor cb2 in a mouse model of l-dopa induced dyskinesia. 2021-01-13 2023-08-13 mouse